TheFutbolCoin TFC

TheFutbolCoin is a platform for football lovers to help them digitally connect with many activities and events covering football. TFC will allow its users to make and accept payments, small-sized enterprises can run their ad with the TFC token. Football is one of the most popular sport making the TheFutbolcoin App (TFA) an opportunity to be used as a dedicated social network with the latest football news, discussions, live scores, and user-generated content.

Other social media sites don't share their revenue with their userbase, whereas TFC will make it easy for their users to make the most out of their football experience while getting rewarded for their time and contribution to the network. TFC will also offer a partnership program to the football clubs to obtain revenue for sharing the app with their fans. By offering many different solutions to the football community, TheFutbolCoin ( TFC ) plans on the mass adoption of crypto with the use of their TFC token. 

🔶 Token Information:

Token Name:    TFC
Token Type:     Stellar
Token Price:     ~$0.25
Total Supply:    1.500.000.000 TFC

🔶 TFC is listed on Latoken Exchange.

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