Amepay (AME)

Amepay is a decentralized cryptocurrency-based payment system. It aims to bring a simple and more convenient solution to the complexes and high costs in the existing system. AMEPAY uses Blockchain technology to offer traders and customers a decentralized system. It works to refresh their digital environment to adopt a consumer and business-centric approach. A special cryptocurrency and the Blockchain back the AMEPAY platform and it helps traders digitize their products and services. A loyalty program is implemented to encourage traders and customers. Thus, the AMEPAY platform enables its users to make their payments easily, securely, and without additional costs.

🔶  Token Information:

Token Name:    AME
Token Type:       ERC20 - Ethereum
Token Price:       $0.02
Total Supply:     1,500,000,000 AME

🔶 Amepay is carrying out a Private-Sale at the moment. Users, who would like to participate in the Amepay Private-Sale, need to register on their website 

🔶 The details of the Private-Sale are as follows:

Private-Sale Finish Date: 30/10/2020
Private-Sale Price: $0.02 (50% bonus)
Private-Sale Hardcap: 300,000,000 AME
Private-Sale Softcap:  75,000,000 AME 
Minimum Purchase Amount: 3000 AME 
Acceptable Currencies: BTC, ETH, XRP and USD (FIAT)

◼️ Always do your own research and due diligence when considering your participation in any blockchain project.

Meet The Team
