Gofind XR

Gofind XR Web is the new decentralised internet for extended reality (XR) economy connected to earth's geolocation coordinates. XR Token is the utility token of Gofind XR Web that can be used to lease parts of the new XR Layer and holders will receive rent/revenue share on transactions and advertisements on the new Internet of XR Web. The decentralised XR layer is built on the Ethereum blockchain technology and is an open source project for developers to build all sorts of applications in the shopping, navigation, games, social media, and entertainment, etc. Currently compatible with most smartphones' AR frameworks, the XR Web and Economy is being built for the future with an ambition to become the default operating system of future Smart Glasses. GoFind is an open source XR computing platform that is crowd-trained to understand the XR world. It uses a new consensus system for validating crowd-sourced ’labelling’ work which can be called ‘Proof of Useful Work”, and then rewards Gofnd tokens to the builders of the XR Web as well as to its moderators. This XR computing network will be used in various applications such as Ecommerce, payment , security and Augmented Reality glasses. To run the applications, the platforms will have to use GoFind coins. This will further increase the demand of the ever-decreasing supply of coins and hence be increasing their value over time.

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