VEXT is a decentralized platform that aims to create brands and experiences that connect individuals to gaming, sports, and entertainment cultures. VEXT intends to become a decentralized global sporting and entertainment media conglomerate by shifting to Web3, which they believe is a natural progression for gaming and sports teams. VEXT plans to integrate gaming into their Vextverse with two existing games, Veloce Predicts and the iGP Manager. In addition, VEXT will offer its active users the opportunity to participate in gamified staking pools and a unique and fair reward model for incentivizing creators, contributors, and community members. VEXT will also implement the Penrose voting weight method to ensure a fair voting system for VEXT holders.

🔶 Token Information:

Token Name: VEXT
Token Type: Polygon Chain
Token Price: N/A
Total Supply: N/A

🔶 VEXT will carry out a Pre-Sale soon. Users, who would like to participate in the VEXT Pre-Sale, should go to their Sign up page and register an account. In addition, you can check their Telegram Group for the latest updates.

◼️ Always do your own research and due diligence when considering your participation in any blockchain project.

Meet The Team
