SPESBaS is a project that aims to build an entire decentralized commerce ecosystem utilizing blockchain technology. SPESBaS seeks to provide a variety of services to its ecosystem consumers while connecting the physical, digital, and virtual worlds through Augmented Reality (AR). SPESBaS will offer its own DEX, allowing users to interact with various features such as swap, stake, farm, pool, and more. Furthermore, users will be able to use SPESBaS Purse to store, trade, lend, and borrow various SPESBaS assets. SPESBaS will also offer its own Marketplace, where anyone can buy and sell various products and services. Moreover, SPESBaS will provide its users with SConnect, a decentralized social media for the SPESBaS ecosystem.

🔶 Token Information:

SPESBaS has two assets:

Coin Symbol: DBAS
Coin Type: SpesBas Chain
Total supply: 1,000,000,000 DBAS

Token Symbol: ALTO (Reward Token)
Token Type: Spesbas Chain
Total supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 ALTO

🔶 SPESBaS is carrying out an Airdrop at the moment with a Prize Pool of $1 Million worth of its ALTO tokens. Users, who would like to participate in the airdrop, must join their Telegram Group and fulfill the conditions here.

🔶 SPESBaS is KYC verified by Assuredefi.

◼️ Always do your own research and due diligence when considering your participation in any blockchain project.

Meet The Team

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