ShapePay aims to build a digital payment system that allows users to interact with cryptocurrencies. Enabling users to send, receive and trade cryptos using their government-issued currency. The team plans to create a safe and stable blockchain network that will allow users to use smart contracts and digital assets. Users in ShapePay can pay their payments in any marketplace by using the platform. They plan to optimize their platform for the users, ensuring it's user-friendly. ShapePay aims to cooperate with other crypto-pay currencies and offer their users a fast, secure, and reliable experience.
🔶 Token Information:
Token Name: SPPToken Type: BEP20 BinanceToken Price: ~$1IEO Supply: 30,000,000 SPPTotal Supply: 150,000,000 SPP
🔶 ShapePay is carrying out an IEO at the moment. Users, who would like to participate in the ShapePay IEO, should join on Probit.
🔶 The details of the IEO are as follows:
IEO Date: 01/05/2021 - 08/05/2021IEO 1st Round Price: $0.1IEO 2nd Round Price: $0.12
IEO Softcap: $500,000IEO Hardcap: $2,000,000
Acceptable Currencies: BTC, ETH, USDT
◼️ Always do your own research and due diligence when considering your participation in any blockchain project.