SephirothInu (SEPHI)

SephirothInu aims to offer everyone to participate in making the world a better place for four-legged animals. They are focusing on kennels and pet hospitals. SEPHI is mainly a charity token. It was named after the dog of one of the founders. SEPHI has a 9% trading fee, 3% is sent to the charity wallet, and 2% is sent to the second charity wallet. 3% is redistributed among the holders so that they can earn via trading as well. In addition, 1% is used for development and marketing. The Sephiroth team is utilizing its platform to supply kennels and pet hospitals. Similarly, they are paying for pet prosthesis production. They are also producing personalized food packages, which are being delivered to kennels. They claim to have a fully transparent process, which anyone can see where the charity is going. It is also a community-driven initiative; hence, decisions are made by the community.


🔶 Token Information:

Token Name: SEPHI
Token Type: BEP20 Binance
Token Price: ~$0.00000000029
Total Supply: 1,000,000,000,000,000 SEPHI


🔶 SEPHI is already listed on PankaceSwap, Coinsbit , SWFT Blockchain and PooCoin.


◼️ Always do your own research and due diligence when considering your participation in any blockchain project.

Meet The Team
