BlockFiSwap BFI

BlockFiSwap is a platform powered by smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. It's a Decentralized exchange to swap Ethereum based tokens without relying on users for creating liquidity. The protocol matches buyers and sellers to a fixed price and executes trades, and for each successful trades, traders pay a 30-basis-point fee, which goes to liquidity providers. 

It also supports arbitrary pairs for ERC20/ERC20 tokens. It also has a price oracle that accumulates the corresponding price of assets in the platform. BlockFiSwap aims to improve this oracle functionality by measuring and recording the price of the trades for the available token pairs; because of this, the price is more difficult to manipulate.tself on having the full advantage of the DeFi platform in the elimination of centralized intermediaries, thus making transactions fast and efficient.

🔶 Token Information:

Token Name:    BFI
Token Type:      ERC20 Ethereum 
Token Price:      ~$0.01
Total Supply: BFI

🔶 BlockFiSwap is carrying out a Pre-Sale at the moment. Users, who would like to participate in the BlockFiSwap Pre-Sale, need to connect their wallet to the BlockFiSwap website.

🔶 BFI is listed on Uniswap Exchange

🔶 The details of the Pre-Sale are as follows:

Pre-Sale Date: 01/01/2021 - 14/02/2021
Pre-Sale Price: ~$0.01
Pre-Sale Hardcap: $650,000
Pre-Sale Softcap: $2,500,00
Acceptable Currencies: USDT

🔶 The purchased tokens will be locked for trading until the sale ends on March 31, 2021. However, they can be deposited immediately into staking pools with interest rates up to 150% APY. Tokens claimed from the staking pools are freely traded immediately.

◼️ Always do your own research and due diligence when considering your participation in any blockchain project.

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