Illuminates (LUM)

Developing a first social ecosystem that provides advantages over all blocks. Improves interaction between investors, freelancers and beginners.

The best solutions and instruments will be gathered within one platform to help professional development and implementation of the most revolutionary ideas. The key elements of the system will be personal data and files hashing, smart contracts with oracles, load balancing and minimization of commissions due to the best configuration of decentralized and centralized parts of the ecosystem.
The platform is being developed by the technology company Illuminates, that has more than ten years of IT-services experience and since 2011 has been successfully engaged in the development and promotion of startups. Since 2017 the company has also been engaged in a number of ICO projects. With all our experience we analyzed every twist and turn of this business, determined advantages of both centralized and decentralized solutions, and eventually came up with a unique concept of the ecosystem, that would ensure effective interaction between all ICO market and crypto community.
The platform will unite investors, funds, startups, and freelancers interested in working on particular projects and participating in ICO/ITO bounty campaigns, as well as official training centers, co-working centers, specialized hubs, and charity organizations. The platform will unite investors, funds, startups, and freelancers interested in working on particular projects and participating in ICO/ITO bounty campaigns, as well as official training centers, co-working centers, specialized hubs, and charity organization.
To ensure the effective operation of this system we issued our own LUM token. It has a limited emission and is available for sale. Part of the commissions received will expire within the functioning of the ecosystem. Such an algorithm helps carry out complicated long-term tasks and quick verification of results.
The key elements of the system will be personal data and files hashing, smart contracts with oracles, load balancing and minimization of commissions due to the best configuration of decentralized and centralized parts of the ecosystem

🔶 Token-Information:  

Token Name: LUM
Token Type: ETH (ERC 20)  
Total Supply: 100,000,000
Overall Soft Cap: $300,000

⬛️ Always do your own research and due diligence when considering your participation in any blockchain project.

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