
Our NOBOCARD hybrid represents a crypto/debit and credit card in one single card in order to pay with crypto at all Visa or Mastercard acceptance points, while the merchant, as usual, receives fiat money - i.e. euros, dollars, etc. Our goal is to make the crypto experience even easier and more attractive. With the PLUG‘N‘PAY service, NOBOBOX opens up new possibilities for merchants to accept payments with crypto. With PLUG‘N‘PAY, merchants can now accept different crypto curren¬cies in addition to established payment options with Fiat money and win new target groups and thus conquer new markets NOBOCARD hybrid: With this physical or virtual card all users are offered the possibility to pay always and everywhere with cryptocurrency. It is complete¬ly irrelevant which currency a merchant accepts. NOBOCARD hybrid combines conventional payment habits with the crypto world using crypto/debit and/or credit cards.

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