The Last Pie (TLP)

The Last Pie is a Web3 advertisement platform that rewards users for viewing advertisements. Users compete to be the last person to claim rewards, and for every reward claimed, the duration of the advertisement is reduced by 5 minutes until it reaches the minimum period. The minimum period is 5 minutes, and if a user claims during that time, the timer is reset for everyone. Furthermore, The Last Pie offers a referral program where users can invite their friends using their unique invite link and earn additional rewards. The Last Pie also offers Special Tickets, which entitle holders to claim additional prizes from the Special Pool. Additionally, The Last Pie presents platform advertisers with various tools to publish and track the progress of their advertisements.

🔶 The Last Pie is live on the BIFROST mainnet. Advertisers can now place their ads, and users can watch those ads and earn rewards by connecting their Metamask wallet to The Last Pie website.

🔶 Furthermore, The Last Pie is carrying out an Airdrop at the moment. Users, who would like to participate in the airdrop, should go to their Airdrop Page and follow the given instructions.

◼️ Always do your own research and due diligence when considering your participation in any blockchain project.

Meet The Team
