Laari Travel (LAAR)

LaariTravel is a fin-tech company based in Singapore with a focus on decentralized tourism. The worldwide tourism market is dominated by big online travel companies, who charge a lot of commission, which means an increased price for travelers. The goal of LaariTravel is to make traveling much cheaper by charging absolutely no commission and also allowing maximum customization of traveling.

Using their own ERC20 token, LaariCoin, it is getting easy to pay for bookings worldwide. There is a mobile platform being released which makes it simple to buy, sell and store LaariCoin securely.

In the first quarter of 2019, LaaruCoin proposes to be listed on 3 exchanges and the mobile platform will be available for iOS and Android devices.

LaariTravel is currently carrying out an IEO at SistemKoin with a 40% bonus. The LAAR coin sale will accept BTC, ETH, USD & TRY. Users need to register to Sistemkoin before participating in a premium coin sale. Users, who would like to attend to LaariTravel IEO, need to register an account on SistemKoin Exchange. KYC will not be required to participate in the IEO.


The details of the IEO are as follows:

- Token Name: LaariTravel (LAAR)

- IEO Sale Price: $2

⬛️ Always do your own research and due diligence when considering your participation in any blockchain project.

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