INZURA is a crypto-insurance project, which has been built on Ethereum smart contract infrastructure. The ERC20 token, IZA, is a utility token, which has been developed to enable users to insure their cryptocurrency assets.

The users will be able to purchase insurance premiums with IZA tokens on the INZURA platform, once it goes live. Inzura also offers ICO premiums to insure the investments made in the ICO projects.

The Inzura token can be used to claim lost/hacked cryptocurrency, where members can claim up to 5 times the value of their Inzura token. The Fixed Audited Price (FAP) of IZA will be set to $1. This Fixed Audited Price will be audited every 3-4 months to achieve prize stabilization. 

By providing a safe and secure environment for the users’ crypto assets, Inzura aims to make cryptocurrency investments widely adopted by more and more new users and institutional members.

⬛️ Always do your own research and due diligence when considering your participation in any blockchain project.

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