EarthBi (ERA)

EarthBi is a producer of bioplastics that can be used in a lot of industrial sectors like packaging, automotive, transport and many more. Nowadays, a lot of areas are polluted with plastics which destroy the lives of plants and animals. EarthBi is aiming to replace traditional plastics with high biodegradable ones to stop the plastics pollution of land and sea.

The ERC20 token, ERA, released by the company will allow potential buyers to get better pricing and bigger amounts of raw plastics and finished products made of it. EarthBi is also using the blockchain to allow transparency for its supply chain.

Creation and issue of the token have been started in March 2019. The production of bioplastics will start in 2019.

In order to find out more about EarthBi, you can read this article, which has been recently published on Forbes.

EarthBi is currently carrying out an IEO at LaToken Exchange, more information about the EarthBi IEO can be found here. ERA token sale will accept ETH. Users, who would like to participate in EarthBi IEO, need to register an account on LaToken Exchange, with a Tier 2 verified account.

The details of the IEO are as follows:

Token Name: EarthBi (ERA)

Total supply:
955,000,000 ERA

Reserved for private sale: 9,000,000 ERA 

Reserved for IEO 2019: 31,000,000 ERA

IEO Sale Price: Payments to be made with ETH with a price of $1.56.

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