Crypxie (CPX)

Crypxie is a digital asset and cryptocurrency exchange provider that aims to be global. Crypxie has a trade matching system and emphasizes user experience. It creates a platform that aims to be safe, stable, and efficient for users. ICOs are searched and listed on the platform so that users can make secure purchases. On the Crypxie exchange, the commission rate for trading transactions is 0.005%. The CPX token can be used for transactions and bonuses within the Crypxie platform.

🔶  Token Information:

Token Name:    CPX
Token Type:       ERC20 - Ethereum
Token Price:       $1
Total Supply:     95,918,679 CPX

🔶 Crypxie is running a ICO/IEO at the moment. Users, who would like to participate in the Crypxie ICO/IEO, need to register on their website. CPX will be tradeable on Crypxie Exchange on the 20th of December, 2020.

🔶 The details of the ICO/IEO are as follows:

ICO/IEO Round 1 Date: 01/10/2020 - 31/10/2020
ICO IEO Round 1 Price: $0.5 (50% discount)

ICO/IEO Round 2 Date: 01/11/2020 - 30/11/2020
ICO/IEO Round 2 Price: $0.75 (25% discount)

ICO/IEO Round 3 Date: 01/12/2020 - 20/12/2020
ICO/IEO Round 3 Price: $1

◼️ Always do your own research and due diligence when considering your participation in any blockchain project

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